रामदास रामदास । हाचि सदा निदिध्यास ।
लागावा तो रात्रंदिस । आपुल्या मना ।।
Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami & Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj – an inseparable Guru-Shishya duo of history.
Our religious, cultural & spiritual identity has been shaped by the history of our nation.It is evident that rulers of this country were able to fight with the invaders because of the spiritual support of saintly personalities. Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj and Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami are two eminent personalities inscribed in the pages of history as a Guru-Shishya duo who fought against invaders simultaneously. They revived & reawakened the nation through their work and shaped up our “National Character”!
What we learn from the life history of Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj & Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami is the importance of Conscience. Their steadfast belief in Swa-Dharma (One’s duty) neither turned into fanaticism or injustice nor did they give leeway to anti-religious, anti-national thoughts, actions, tendencies due to excessive religious tolerance.
The reverence that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had for Samarth Ramdas Swami is expressed in his actions and words. Chhatrapati Shri Shambhuraje, Chhatrapati Shri Rajaram Maharaj and the next successors of Chhatrapati also display a similar kind of reverence towards Shri Samarth.
After Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s lifetime, his descendants continued to revere Shri Samarth and Shri Ramdas Swami Sansthan and as a token of reverence continued the ownership of Sajjangad with the Sansthan. Another interesting fact to note is that Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj gave lands and special rights in lands to various meritorious men of that time but did not give an entire fort to anyone. Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami however was an exception to this and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj entrusted the entire Sajjangad fort to Shri Samarth where the latter stayed for the last 6 years of his life. After the demise of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, his descendants continued to revere Shri Samarth and his descendants by continuing the ownership of Sajjangad with the descendants of Shti Samarth by issuing Sanads/Orders from time to time. The last such Sanad is of year 1817 AD which was issued by the last Maratha king Chhatrapati Pratapsingh Maharaj.
“Shri Sadguruvarya” (Greatest of All Gurus), “ShriSakaltirtharupa” (Revered Master) are some of the adjectives used by Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj for Shri Samarth in the Chafal Charter (Sanad) which is an important historical piece of evidence that reveals the Guru-Shishya relationship between Chhpatrapati Shivaji Maharaj & Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami. After the “Heavenly Abode” of Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami and by the order of Chhatrapati Shri Sambhaji Maharaj, Shri Ramchandra Pant Amaatya built the Samadhi Temple (Samadhi Mandir) of Shri Samarth.
In the charter given by Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj to Shri Laxman Swami, a descendant of Shri Samarth’s family & the Chief of Sansthan of Sajjangad, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj says that, “I, Shahu Raje, bow down at the feet of Shri Lakshman Baba.”
(श्री लक्ष्मण बाबा यांचे चरणी शाहूराजे चरणावरी मस्तक ठेवून विज्ञापना).
Saubhagyavati SakwarBaiSaheb, wife of Chhatrapati Shri Shahu Raje, addresses Shri Mudgal Swami as “Gurubaba.”
Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj says in one of his letters “We feel it necessary to run this Sansthan for the welfare of the state”. (हे संस्थान बहुत थोर येथील चालविणे आम्हास अगत्य).
The great PratapSinha Chhatrapati records Shri Sajjangad as the “place of Guru ” in his diary. Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, his successors, and many noblemen of the time have expressed their respect for Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami and Shri Ramdas Swami Sansthan.
Till date, India knows the importance of karma, devotion, knowledge, meditation, etc. But the yoga that Shri Shiv Chhatrapati and Shri Samarth sang to protect all of these is Hindavi Swarajya Yoga. Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami honours Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj –
शिवरायांचे आठवावे रूप । शिवरायांचा आठवावा प्रताप । शिवरायांचा आठवावा साक्षेप । भूमंडळी ।।
शिवरायांचे कैसे बोलणे । शिवरायांचे कैसे चालणे । शिवरायांची सलगी देणे । कैसे असे ।।
शिवरायांसी आठवावे । जीवित्व तृणवत मानावे । इहलोकी परलोकी उरावे । कीर्तिरूपे ।।
शुध्ध ३ रविवार नित्यनेम करून बालाजीपंत वैगेरे श्रेष्ठ मंडलीसुधा फराल करून कचेरीस स्वारी येऊन बसली . नंतर बालाजीपंत व विठ्ठलपंतसमेत खासा स्वारी वर खोलीत बोलत बसलो. बालाजीपंत बोलिले किले सारे पाडावे. आम्ही उतर केले की, प्रतापगड देवीची जागा व परली गुरुची जागा हे दोन न पाडावे याप्रमाणे उत्तर केले अथवा इल्पिस्तन याचे विचारास येईल तैसे करावे. किले न पाडावे, याची नावनिसीची याद विठ्ठलपंतास ग्रांटासी बोलावयाची दिली, बि :- किले सातारा व प्रतापगड व परली व प्रचितगड व केळजा येकूण पाच किले न पाडावे. पाच किले यांचे संरक्षणास पाचसे सिबंर्दीत सांभाळतो. हा विच्यार दाजीबा उपाधे व नारायणराव यास विच्यारला. आम्ही बालाजीपंतास किलेप्रकर्णी उत्तरे केली ही ठीक किंवा कसी ? दोघांनी उत्तर केले ठीक आहे.
प्रपंची आमुचे कुळी । तुळजा कुळदेवता । नेणता ऐकिले होते । जाणता स्मरले मनी ।।१।।
श्रेष्ठांची कामना होती । पुर्विली मनकामना । नौस जो नौसिला होता । तो त्यांपासूनि चुकला ।।२।।
पुत्राची घेतला त्यांचा । जोगी करूनि सोडिला । ख्यानति दाविली मोठी । न्यान नीति चुकेचिना ।।३।।
वैराग्य घेतले पोटी । सर्व संसार सांडिला । तुझिया दर्शना आलो । कृपादृष्टी नवाजीलो ।।४।।
तुझा नवाजीला आहे । महंत म्हणती जनी । तुझेची सर्वही देणें ।सर्वही तुजपासुनि ।।५।।
संसारीं मोकळें केलें । आनंदी ठाव दिधला । तोडिली सर्वही चिंता । तू माता सत्य जाहाले ।।६।।
पुर्विले काय मी सांगों । इछा पूर्ण परोपरी । मागील आठवेनासे । केले आश्च्यीर्य वाटले ।।७।।
सदानंदी उदो जाला । सुख संतोष फावला । पराधेनता गेली ।। सत्ता उदंड चालली ।।८।।
उदंड ऐकिले होते । रामासी वरु दिधला । मी दास रघुनाथाचा । मज हि वरदायेनी ।।९।।
श्रेष्ठांचा नौस जो होता । तो मी फेडीनसें म्हणें । पुष्प देउनी उतराई । ऐसे हे कल्पिले मनीं ।।१०।।
तुळजापूर ठाकेना । चालली पश्चिमेकडे । पारघाटी जगन्माता । सद्य येउनी राहिला ।।११।।
ऐसे हे ऐकिले होते । हेत तेथेची पावला । पुष्पाची कल्पना होती । तेथे पुष्प ची दिधलें ।।१२।।
ऐसी तुं दयाळू माता । हेमपुष्पची घेतलें । संतुष्ट भक्तीभावाने । त्रैलोक्यजननी पाहा ।।१३।।
थोड्याने श्ल्याघ्यता केली । थोरसंतोष पावली । उत्तीर्ण काये म्यां व्हावे । तुझे कृपेसी रोकडे ।।१४।।
तुझेच तुजला दिल्हे । म्यां हे कोठुनी आणिले । संकटे वारिली नाना । रक्षिले बहुतांपरी ।।१५।।
जीवीचे जाणते माता । तुं माता मज रोकडी । लोकांच्या चुकती माता । आचुक जननी मला ।।१६।।
येक ची मागणे आतां । द्यावे ते मजकारणें । तुझा तुं वाढवी राजा । सीघ्र आह्मा ची देखतां ।।१७।।
दुष्ट संव्हारिले मागे । ऐसे उदंड एकतो । परंतू रोकडे काही । मूळ सामर्थ्ये दाखवी ।।१८।।
देवाची राहिली सत्वे । तुं सत्व पाहासी किती । भक्तांसी वाढवी वेगीं । ईछा पूर्ण परोपरी ।।१९।।
रामदास ह्मणे माझे । सर्व आतुर बोलणे । क्षमावे तुळजे माते । ईछा पूर्ण ची ते करी ।।२०।।
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